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DIFK Delegation Visits Financial Market Guarantee System of Czech Republic

Press Release

The Deposit Insurance Fund of Kosovo (DIFK) recently concluded a successful visit to the Financial Market Guarantee System of the Czech Republic (FMGS).

During this visit, the DIFK delegation had the opportunity to gain valuable insights from FMGS through presentations covering various areas such as recent pay-out activities, funding mechanisms, risk-based premium systems, and investment management practices.

Discussions also included the latest changes in the European Union Directive for Deposit Guarantee Schemes and the European Banking Authority’s revised guidelines for risk-based contributions for Deposit Guarantee Schemes.

Additionally, the DIFK delegation met with representatives from the Czech Central Bank, including high-level officials from the banking supervision and banking resolution units, as well as technical staff involved in the calibration of contribution models for risk-based premiums for the deposit guarantee fund and resolution fund.

The experiences and methodologies shared by the Czech Financial Market Guarantee System will undoubtedly contribute to the ongoing efforts and initiatives of DIFK, with the aim of further advancing the deposit insurance system.