DIFK will be holding its media Conference on 27th of Jul 2016
DIFK will be holding its media Conference on 27th of Jul 2016
DIFK will be holding its media Conference on 27th of Jul 2016 (Wednesday) starting from 10:00 in which, besides the presentation of its annual report for the year 2015, DIFK will mark the technical cooperation with EBRD for the development of the information system for compensation of depositors. EBRD and DIFK have signed the Grant Agreement with value of €255,523.34 for the development of the system for compensation of depositors, with the grant amount of €230,099.61 from EBRD and coo-financing from DIFK in amount of €25,423.73. Technical cooperation project with EBRD is being completed within the scope of the Loan Agreement for the credit line for DIFK in amount of €10 million, fully guaranteed by the Republic of Kosovo, through Ministry of Finance.
To access the agenda, please access the link below: